Welcome to Finding Purpose,

Life Coaching for

Widows & Widowers

Cindy Burns, Life Coach for Widows, from pain to purpose and from grief to growth

Helping widows & widowers go from pain to purpose

and from grief to growth.

Have you

ever wondered . . .

  • How long will this pain last?
  • How do I handle the loneliness?
  • What's my purpose?
  • Who am I now?
  • Will I ever be happy?
  • How do I deal with guilt, uncaring friends and family, things they used to take care of, etc?

Does this sound like you?

You wake up in the morning feeling like the only thing you have to look forward to is going to sleep again at the end of the day.

Your friends and family don't seem to understand.

You feel confused, adrift, and lost.

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